Sometimes you want to add a single product for multiple Group quantities and still keep the price different of each quantity group OR you want to calculate the price based on attributes toward the Group quantity attribute of the product for determining the price from the price table/ price range.
HexSys Virtuemart Grouped Quantity Attribute Plugin allow you to simplify and enhance your shopping experience. It is a very quick and simplistic way of adding grouped quantity as well as different attributes and define the prices for different quantity range.
You can add as many attributes as you want which have a dynamic price depending upon the grouped quantity selected by the customer while purchasing a particular product. So each attribute have multiple prices or a Price Table for grouped quantity.
Features & Benefits
Features List:
- It allows to add different attributes of any product with Title, Value and separate prices for different quantity range.
- It allows to Add Price Offset whether you want to deduct main price from new calculated price or not.
- It allows to Add Weight Offset whether you want to deduct main product weight from new calculated weight or not.
- It allows to update main product weight based on quantity and chosen attributes.
- It allow to make sortable options of attributes by drag n drop.
- You can add a single product with different quantity group.
- You can add an attributes having different prices based on quantity group.
- Simple and Flexible Group Quantity solution for Virtuemart Products.
- Option to add/delete different attributes e.g. For a Poster product, Embossing, Hot Stamping, Design Service and Printing.
- Dynamic price calculation at front end product detail page based on attributes prices set in back end using Price Table.
- Allow your customer to check and calculate prices for different quantity group based on different attribute.
- You can add different quantity group for each product.
- Lightweight.
- Simple and Flexible.
- Easy creation and management.
- Works in all modern browsers.
- Very flexible to every change.
- Full documentation.
Technical Specifications
The minimum requirements to run HexSys Virtuemart Grouped Quantity Attribute Plugin are:
- Joomla! 3.x & 4.x
- PHP 7.2.5 +
- MySQL 5.6 +
- Virtuemart Version 3.x
We recommend:
- Joomla! 4.x
- PHP 8.2 +
- MySQL 8.0 +
- Virtuemart Version 4.x
HexSys Virtuemart Grouped Quantity Attribute Plugin Current Version:
- 1.9.2
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