Joomla Extensions

Display description text in personality results

7 years 5 months ago #3752 by Sherry Buffington
Is there a way to display the Personality Quiz Messages description text on the results page. We love the graph and the percentages, but we would like to display the top (by percentage) one or two descriptions for the most frequent answer categories.

For example, we have a multi-personality quiz that categorises users into Givers, Protective-Givers, Matchers, and Takers. When someone takes the quiz, they might see that they scored 50% Protective-Giver, 30% Matcher, and 20% Taker. We want to be able to display the descriptions for the top two answer categories somewhere on the results page. Is this possible?

I have looked at the options for configuring the results page, but I can't see how to do what I want.


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7 years 5 months ago #3755 by Daniel
Yes, you can display Multiple personality messages on Result page. You can add these messages using dynamic keywords in Result template in configuration section of vQuiz. There is also an option in Quiz settings to set minimum percentage to qualify to be displayed on Result page. e.g. You entered minimum percentage required to be considered as result is 40% then only personalities where user scored more than or equal to 40% would be considered as result.


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7 years 5 months ago #3759 by Sherry Buffington
which keyword displays the Personality Quiz Messages description text?

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7 years 5 months ago #3760 by Sherry Buffington
I have tried to find the keyword tag and couldn't find one that displays the Personality Quiz Messages description text. I would think that {personality_messages} would do the trick, but that only displays the graph. I tried turning off the graph in the backend, thinking that doing so would then display the messages, but that didn't work.

It would be great to have a way to display the Personality Quiz Messages description text (which appears as unformatted html in the mouseover popups) directly below its corresponding personality score. That way I could provide some educational/explanatory text to go with the score.

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7 years 5 months ago #3763 by Daniel
Can you please share a screenshot with the unformatted html popup?


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7 years 5 months ago #3764 by Sherry Buffington
Here's that popup, for anyone who wants to see it.

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