Joomla Extensions

Table 'joomla.#__virtuemart_vendors_en_gb' doesn't exist

2 years 11 months ago - 2 years 11 months ago #7490 by Daniel Schmied

on a fresh joomla (german) install i get this error when i want to choose a profile in the profile wizard.

When i ignore this message i get "Select field to export" (Which field?)

Can you help me out?

Thank you
Last edit: 2 years 11 months ago by Daniel Schmied.

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2 years 11 months ago #7491 by Daniel

As the error message "'joomla.#__virtuemart_vendors_en_gb' doesn't exist" suggests this table is not available in your database. As you mentioned you have german site, that could be the reason.

By default vData Virtuemart Profiles in Profile Wizard provides you English language Virtuemart data.

So you need to change it OR create a new Profile manually. If you want me to do that, please create a support ticket and send admin login credentials in it.

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2 years 11 months ago #7493 by Daniel Schmied
ok thank you for your answer. I would try to change it on my own, but i have questions.

How to change the language which the profile exports or must i change something in the tables? When i edit the profile there is nothing about the language or table names...?!?

If i fail i would use a ticket as you mentioned.

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2 years 11 months ago #7496 by Daniel
If there is no option to change the table, you need to create a fresh profile manually.

Please go through Documentation, if you face difficulties please use ticket i'll do it for you.

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