Joomla Extensions

JEvents events are there in the database, but not showing in the site backend

6 years 1 month ago #6088 by AirGov
I imported JEvents entries from another site's database, using vData's Profile Wizard to create a new profile (Quick Add). When I then go into the JEvents Admin panel, although the Categories are visible there, there are NO events at all listed. But if I go into phpMyAdmin, it shows all 700+ events that I imported.

Why would these imported events not be appearing in the Joomla Admin area? As I said, the Categories are appearing there, but none of the events themselves. If I try to create a NEW event, it appears without a problem. I need these imported events to be appearing in the JEvents Admin panel - and on the site! Thanks in advance.

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6 years 4 weeks ago #6097 by Daniel
Please note, If you use Quick Import then It only selects all the fields available in that particular selected database table. If the component to which this databases table belongs use some other tables as well to store the data then those tables would remain empty which might cause the component not to work correctly. That's why You first need to know which database tables are being used and then create the profile with all the joined tables and import the data.


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