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vChart from SQL fails to allow series entry

7 years 4 months ago #3988 by Richard taylor
So a basic line chart, select chart data from existing database, I've entered the SQL query which produces 11 columns, the first of which is the Y, the rest should be X

The query runs, and the Horizontal value Under 'Axes Parameters' fills with the output from the firist column but the 'Add Series' button won't click so I can't add the other series.

If I save and preview I get "Number of Columns for series and Number of series should be equal"

I can't get past this, I've tried various queries with various columns and the behaviour seems like the same.

The aim here is to have a SQL query with the first as the Y, and 10 more columns as Series.

The server is a development server and its on the LAN without any internet facing ports.

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7 years 4 months ago #3989 by Soni

Please share table structure and chart type through contact us form. we will look into it.


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7 years 4 months ago #3990 by Richard taylor
I have done so via contact form. I was unable to upload an image so I'll do it here.

Strucutre of table is CREATE TABLE `TEMP` (
`S1` varchar(54) DEFAULT NULL,
`R1` double DEFAULT NULL,
`S2` varchar(54) DEFAULT NULL,
`R2` double DEFAULT NULL,
`S3` varchar(54) DEFAULT NULL,
`R3` double DEFAULT NULL,
`S4` varchar(65) DEFAULT NULL,
`R4` double DEFAULT NULL,
`S5` varchar(65) DEFAULT NULL,
`R5` double DEFAULT NULL

and has 24 rows.
Screenshot attached (hopefully)

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7 years 4 months ago #3991 by Soni

when you want to create the chart using write sql query.Add Series button will be disabled and you have to give series name manually. Number of column in query will be consider as total number of series. First column of query will be consider as Horizontal value column and remain for series. In series name input field, you have to give all series column name which will be use in series value. Column length of query output and series name should be equal.
I have explain in attach image.


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7 years 4 months ago #3992 by Richard taylor
Ok, that's great and I've done that and get a chart, but how do I set the different series to be different colours, and how do I label those series?

In my example here I have 5 Series, and 5 lables for those series.

So Series 1 = R1 and the lable for R1 is S1

So if for a single Row:
S1='hats' and R1=5
S2='coats' and R2=3
S3='shoes' and R3=20
S4='trousers' and R4=17
S5='bags' and R5=23

How do I set the colours for those series values (R1, R2, R3, R4, R5) and how do I specify the series lables (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5) ?

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7 years 4 months ago #3994 by Soni

The value in series name will work as labels for series of particular column name in query.

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