Joomla Extensions

vBizz with other extensions ACY mailing/SMS, CRM etc

6 years 10 months ago #4827 by ssnobben
Hi guys,

some questions. I am new to this great Joomla comp.

I would ask if your vBizz also have a CRM campaing manager also can use it with other Joomla components like ACY Mailing/SMS, EasySocial 2.1?

Is it easy to integrate/use with other Joomla components too?

Can also your end users say logged in EasySocial users that belong to a certain Joomla (ACL) group have their own vBizz/CRM solution/Dashboard?

If you would like to use a currency db you can check IT Prism (Todor) Currencies XML database and use for currency selector

Great iniative with this component pls update always for JED when you add new version thats the best marketing for you.


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6 years 10 months ago #4831 by Daniel
Thanks for the appreciation and suggestions. It means a lot. vBizz is quite flexible, You can set the permissions for any User group registered for any Component EasySocial or any other. Please let us know if you want to integrate any particular section with other components, we'll look into it.


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5 years 1 month ago #7017 by ssnobben

Daniel wrote: Hi,
Thanks for the appreciation and suggestions. It means a lot. vBizz is quite flexible, You can set the permissions for any User group registered for any Component EasySocial or any other. Please let us know if you want to integrate any particular section with other components, we'll look into it.

Thanks will analyse this and would love to use it with EasySocial and other comps!! :lol: :lol:

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